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I enjoy the open conversations with the group. I like that Manali can feel the vibe of the class and chooses topic from then. The class is relaxed and everyone has a voice. I love the meditations and how deep but light you can feel during it. I enjoy the angle cards as well. The journal questions make you think. 1) opportunity to share with a community of support 2) I find it very balancing 3) Alone time focused on me 4) Love the wisdom / teaching from Manali - the the moon and stars etc.
Olivia Mitchell / Ottawa
Manali's meditation classes are so much more then meditation! It's a true experience bonding people through acknowledgement and support. This class is fuel for the spirit that helps me to manage my life. Manali is a powerful spiritual coach that has inspired me to grow and so many new and impactful ways.
Emily Chang / Toronto
Manali's meditation circle is a safe place to share your thoughts and feelings. Manali is very skilled with knowing the energy of the group. Manali then will create the topic and journal questions. The circle also has an interactive conversation. The meditation is so amazing that I would love to have it a little longer. Manali has an amazing way to make meditation very deep, relaxing and sometimes emotional. I also enjoy the Angel Card reading at the end of the session. I would recommend this Mediation session for anyone who wants to start or continue to meditate.
Aisha Patel / Ottawa